March 10, 2021

Growing Up In An Irish-American Home

Growing Up In An Irish-American Home

As I've previously shared on in this forum I'm a 3rd gen Irish-American. Both sets of Grandparents immigrated from Ireland to NYC in the early half of the 20th Century. My Grams on my Mothers side came to live with us when I was very young.

My Grams At My Parents Wedding Pictured On The Right

My Grams was a STRONG, PROUD, INTELLIGENT and WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL Irish Lady. I can't think of anyone more fitting to discuss with "Women's Day" right behind us. As was the case with most of my friends who were in the same situation had the same experience as me. 

Being raised Catholic was MANDATORY. Not even up for discussion. So off I went to be educated by the nuns and priests. And in retrospect they did a fantastic job. I was also, obviously baptized Catholic, had my First Holy Communion and, of course, attended Catechism Class. All of this was a direct result of my Grams living with us.

Along with being a staunch Catholic she was an incredible cook, wise beyond belief, extremely well read which she instilled in me, eerily knew every sketchy thing I involved myself with as a teenager and extended nothing but love and affection to us all.

Growing up in a home with an individual who grew up in Ireland provided me with an education that I NEVER could have received in school. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!