Oct. 28, 2020



Passions. Interests. Hobbies. We all have them in varying degrees. My father included. Looking back I can see now that Dad cherished learning. Certain labels come to mind. Renaissance man is one that comes to mind. And one that Dad would, no doubt push back on.

People, in general, aren't comfortable when others try to define who they are. To tag them as this or that. It's part of human nature to push back. To TELL the world who we are rather then be told. Yet it happens to all of us. The more flattering labels are shared with us. While the not as flattering often said behind our back. My father was no different in this matter.

The new episode of The Nutty Chronicles has become one of the most popular. And overall the show continues to grow. Thank You. I'm grateful that you've chosen to take this journey with me. Haven't subscribed yet? It couldn't be easier! Simply navigate to the home page and in two clicks you'll be all set!